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Virtual Hub

An Amazing Woman


How To

activity time 20mins

Think about a famous woman who is or was amazing! She can be alive now or can be from the past. Find out everything you can about this person and think about why you find her to be inspiring.

You can draw or write in the boxes and share your amazing woman with the rest of your unit.

Look at the pictures everyone has drawn and discuss them.

Gather all the items you need then follow the method in our PDF.

Download our handy PDF at the bottom of this page for instructions.

You Will Need

  • PDF Printout
  • Colouring Pens/Pencils

Have this list of everything you need sent direct to your inbox

Suitable For
  • Guides-10-14yrs 10-14yrs
  • Rangers-14-18yrs 14-18yrs

International Women's Day

Do you know when women got their right to vote in Northern Ireland?

In 1928 the Representation Of People Act was passed and all women over the age of 21 could then vote!

'Click Here' to be directed to the GGU Shop where you can purchase the International Woman's Day 2021 badge