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Invite A Peer Educator

Peer SF

Invite a Peer Educator to your unit!

Peer Educators are members of Girlguiding aged 14-25 who have been trained in one or more of our exciting resources to help girls grow and develop.

We have 3 brilliant resources to offer your girls, each developed alongside our expert partners.

Session Options

Free Being Me – Brownies and Guides (2 meetings)

9 out of 10 women and girls opt out of important life experiences because they don't feel confident about the way they look.

Developed in partnership with WAGGGS and Dove, Free Being Me helps girls to build body confidence and to fight back against the idea that there is only one way to look.

Think Resilient – Brownies, Guides and Rangers (1 meeting)

71% of 11-21 year old girls know someone who has had mental health problems.

Developed in partnership with Young Minds, Think Resilient focuses on mental strength and resilience, recognising when you are overwhelmed, and starting to build a resilience toolkit.

Breaking Free – Brownies, Guides and Rangers (1 meeting)

76% of girls aged 7-10 think that jokes about girls being stupid and weak affects how people treat girls.

Developed in partnership with Gendered Intelligence, Breaking Free is our newest resource, showing girls how to recognise harmful gender stereotypes, and how to challenge them.

How To Book

activity time Multiple Activities

1. Click on the 'Pink' button below, you will be redirected to the request a Peer Educator for your unit form.

2. Complete and submit the form

Suitable For
  • Brownies-7-10yrs 7-10yrs
  • Guides-10-14yrs 10-14yrs
  • Rangers-14-18yrs 14-18yrs

Interested in becoming a Peer Educator?

There is a training held once a year.

If any Rangers, Young Leaders or Young Adult Leaders are interested, please email for more information, and keep an eye out for bookings on the Girlguiding Ulster website.

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